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Important Links for Teachers

RTI holds the promise of ensuring that all children have access to high quality instruction, and that struggling learners - including those with learning disabilities - are identified, supported, and served early and effectively.

Below is a link for teachers to to access to the RTI Network. The RTI Network provides free webinars, resources, networking opportunities, and the most up to date information in the field of Response to Intervention.

In this unprecedented era of accountability, where so much responsibility rests on the teachers and schools, the RTI Network can be an invaluable resource to you. We hope you will visit often.

  • Click here to visit the RTI Action Network website

Related Links

  • Bubbl Us: Simple web-based graphic organizers.
  • Bookshare: Subscription website from which books can be downloaded in virtual format for students with print disabilities.
  • AnimotoFree website that automatically adds music and transitions to your uploaded powerpoint and/or photos. Makes great presentations!
  • Quizlet: Free online flashcards. Pictures can be placed on the flashcards to support comprehension and vocabulary.
  • SumdogFree website with multiplayer games to learn number facts.
  • Visual Math LearningThe title says it all!
  • Library of Virtual Manipulatives
  • Xtra NormalFree website that will motivate students to write.
  • Spelling CityFree online website for studying spelling words. Teachers can upload customized lists. The site provides oodles of games for students to practice words.
  • Conceptua MathFree website for learning fractions.