This spring, the Grades 3-8 English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science tests will be administered. These annual tests are designed to measure how well students are mastering the NYS Next Generation Learning Standards. All students’ exams will be computer based.
The schedule for the exams is as follows:
English Language Arts
April 29 and April 30 - Grades 3, 4
May 1 and May 2 – Grades 5, 6
April 7 and April 8 – Grades 7, 8
May 6 and May 7 – Grades 3, 4
May 8 and May 9 – Grades 5, 6
April 22 and April 23 – Grades 7, 8
May 14 – Grade 5
On each of the two days of ELA and Math testing, students will be afforded unlimited time to complete the exam. However, based on our experience, the estimated time that it may take students to complete each day by grade is listed below:
ELA Grades 3-4 approximately 70 minutes each day
Math Grades 3-4 approximately 55-70 minutes each day
ELA Grades 5-8 approximately 60-90 minutes each day
Math Grades 5-8 approximately 70-80 minutes each day